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Devi Sapthashloki


Updated: Nov 28, 2024


▪️Stress the letters that are in bold. Ex: bhaje

▪️Extend the letters that have a line on the letter. Example: rāja

▪️Letter ‘na’ and ‘la’ have two different pronunciations. If the letter is in uppercase (caps) ‘N’ or ‘L’, make sure to touch the tip of the tongue to the upper palate of the mouth. For example, ‘puNyam’; the latter is the normal pronunciation.

▪️Similar to ‘na’, we have two different pronunciations for ‘sha’. In ‘shiva’, ‘sh’ is simple and the normal pronunciation. In ‘viShNu’, if you observe “S” is in caps. ‘Sh’ should sound like ‘shut’, where you can feel the air releasing out of the mouth.

Devi sapthashloki / Sri Durga sapthashloki / Amba sthuthi

Shiva uvacha

dhēvī thwām bhaktha-sulabhē sarva-kārya-vidhāyinikalau hi kārya-siddhyartham-upāyam bhrūhi yathna-thahah ||

Meaning: Shiva says, hey goddess! You are accessible to devotees and be the judge of all actions. If there is any solution for the attainment of wishes in the Kali Yuga, then express it in a fair manner through your speech.


shruNu dhēva pravakShyāmi kalau sarveShta-sādhanammayā thavaiva snēhē-nāpyāmbā-sthuthihih prakāsyathē ||

Meaning: Devi says, O Deva, listen, in the Kali yuga, to fulfill all the desiresAmba stuti that came from me is the glorious and esteemed one.

Om asya sri ḍurgā sapṭashlōki sṭōṭra-manṭrasya

nārāyaNa rishih

anuShtup chanḍah

śri mahākāLī mahālakShmī mahā-saraswaṭyō ḍevathāh

śri ḍurgā prīthyarṭam sapṭaśhlōki ḍurgā-pā viniyogahah ||

Meaning: Om, this stotra, Sri Durga Saptashloki Stotram which is a Maha Mantra, Praised by Narayana Rishi, in the manner of Anustup Chanda, this Mantra dedicated to Goddess Maha Kali, Maha Lakshmi, and Maha SaraswatiReciting it to please Goddess Durga, I am using this Maha Mantra

Om Jnanināmapi chethāmsi ḍevi bhagavathi hi sābalāḍākrushya mōhāya mahāmāya prayacchathi ||1||

Meaning: Salutations to you, O Devi Bhagavathi, by whose power even the wisest can have their minds turned towards worldly desires through your maya.

ḍurgē smruthē harasi bheethi maseSha janthohswasthaih smruthā maṭi-maṭīva shubhām ḍaḍāsiḍāriḍya-ḍukha bhayahāriNi kā ṭvaḍanyāsarvōpakāra karaNāya saḍārḍa chiththā ||2||

Meaning: Just by thinking goddesses Durga,

devi will remove the innumerable fears of that personFor the one who meditate on devi in their heart,

devi will give them great auspiciousness. She will destroy the poverty and sorrows of the devotees,

remover the fear in them and bless with all the good deeds (upakara)

for those who seek your refuge,

sarvamangala māngalyē shivey sarvārtha sādhikēsharanyē thryambikē gowri nārāyaNi namōsthuthē ||3||

Meaning: O the one who brings auspiciousness always, one who belongs to Shiva, by whom all the wishes get fulfilledI seek your refuge, the one with three eyes (thryambikē devi), present as Goddess Gowri, Sister of Lord Narayana (Narayani), I bow to you

sharaNāgatha ḍīnārṭa pariṭrāNa parāyaNēsarvasyārthi harē ḍevi nārāyaNi namōsṭuṭē ||4||

Meaning: You rescue the ones who seek your refuge

and those who put forward their distress in front of you for helpO Mother who removes the sufferings of the needy,

O Devi Narayani (the sister of Narayana, Goddess Parvati), I bow to you

sarva-swarūpē sarvēshē sarva-shakti samanviṭēbhayēbhyas-ṭrahi no ḍevi ḍurgeḍevi namōsṭuṭē ||5||

Meaning: O the Goddess who exists in all the forms,

the essence behind all the beings and gods,

possessing all the powers. Please protect me

from all the fears, Goddess Durga Devi, I bow to you

rōgan-ashēshān-apahamsi tusthā-rushtā-thu kāmān sakalān-abhīstān

thwām-ashriṭānām na vipan-naraNām ṭwām-ashrithāhyai-asrhayathām prayāmṭi ||6||

Meaning: Devi, if pleased, remove all diseases. If displeased, my desires will remain unfulfilled. Those who seek your refuge will face no danger and will become protectors of others. When happy, you destroy diseases; when angry, you destroy desires. Those who take shelter in you face no trouble and become a refuge for others.

sarva-bādhā-prashamanam thrailōkyasya-akhilēshwarievamēva thwayā kāryam-asmādh-vairi vināshanam ||7||

Meaning: The one who can nullify all the sorrows caused, The Supreme Goddess of all the three worlds. let our enemies be destroyed by you for good work.

Ithi Sri Durga Saptashloki Sampoornam

Thus ends the Durga Saptashloki

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