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Lalithā Sahasranāma Part 2 with meaning - English & Kannada by shloka chant with yashu

ರಾಜ-ರಾಜಾರ್ಚಿತಾ ರಾಜ್ಞೀ ರಮ್ಯಾ ರಾಜೀವ ಲೋಚನಾ |

ರಂಜನೀ ರಮಣೀ ರಸ್ಯಾ ರಣತ್ ಕಿಂಕಿಣಿ ಮೇಖಲಾ || ೭೧ ||

rāja-rājār-chithā rāgynī ramyā rājīva-lōchanā

ranjanī ramanī rasyā-raNath-kinkiNi mekhalā ||71||


▪️rāja-rājār-chithā - She who is being worshipped by king of kings

▪️rāgynī - She who is the queen of Kameshwara

▪️ramyā - She is the most beautiful of all.

▪️rājīva-lōchanā - She who is lotus eyed, Rājiva means deer, fish or lotus

Meenaskhi - fish eyes; mrigaakshi - deer eyes; kamalanayana - lotus eyes, Her eyes are not comparable to anything.  Her eyes are full of grace and compassion.

▪️ranjanī - She who by her red colour makes Shiva also red,

▪️ramanī - She who plays with her devotees, She plays around.  She plays with Her devotees.  Devotees are everything for Her.  She gives happiness to them and She plays with them too.  Providing happiness to one’s children and playing with them is one of the motherly qualities.

▪️rasyā - She who feeds the sweet happiness of everything. Happiness is bliss and it should be self realised.

▪️raNath-kinkiNi mekhalā - She who wears the golden waist band with tinkling bells

ರಮಾ ರಾಕೇಂದು ವದನಾ ರತಿರೂಪಾ ರತಿಪ್ರಿಯಾ |

ರಕ್ಷಾಕರೀ ರಾಕ್ಷಸಘ್ನೀ ರಾಮಾ ರಮಣ-ಲಂಪಟಾ || ೭೨ ||

ramā rākendhu-vadhanā-rathirūpā rathipriyā

rakshākarī rākshasaghnī rāmā ramaNa-lampatā ||72||


▪️ramā - She who is like Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth

▪️rākendhu-vadhanā - Her face is compared to the full moon.  Full moon is without blemishes, defects or flaws.

▪️rathirūpā - She is in the form of Rati, the wife of love god Manmatha,

▪️rathipriyā - She who likes Rathi

▪️rakshākarī - She is the one who protects

▪️rākshasaghnī - destroyer of demons, evils

▪️rāmā - She is the embodiment of women.  

▪️ramaNa-lampatā - She enjoys Her moments with Her consort Śiva at sahasrāra.  She enjoys the marital bliss. She loves to play around with Śiva.

ಕಾಮ್ಯಾ ಕಾಮ-ಕಲಾರೂಪಾ ಕದಂಬ ಕುಸುಮಪ್ರಿಯಾ |

ಕಲ್ಯಾಣೀ ಜಗತೀಕಂದಾ ಕರುಣಾ-ರಸ ಸಾಗರಾ || ೭೩ ||

kāmyā kāma-kalārūpa kadhamba kusumapriyā

kalyāNī jagathī-kandhā karuNārasa sāgarā ||73||


▪️kāmyā - Kāmyā means longing for.  She is desired by the seekers of liberation.  Liberation is possible only through knowledge and She is that knowledge

▪️kāma-kalārūpa - She is in the form of kāmakalā.  This is Her subtler form which is known only to Her spouse Śiva.

▪️kadhamba kusumapriyā - She who likes the flowers of Kadamba

▪️kalyāNī - She who does good, Kalyāṇa means illustrious, noble, generous, virtuous, good

▪️jagathī-kandhā - She is the cause of the universe. She who is like a root to the world

▪️karuNārasa sāgarā - The ocean of compassion. Karuṇa means compassion, rasa means essence and sāgara means ocean. Compassion is Her natural quality, because She is the universal mother. 

ಕಲಾವತೀ ಕಲಾಲಾಪಾ ಕಾಂತಾ ಕಾದಂಬರೀ-ಪ್ರಿಯಾ |

ವರದಾ ವಾಮ-ನಯನಾ ವಾರುಣೀ ಮದವಿಹ್-ವಲಾ || ೭೪ ||

kalāvathī kalālāpa kānthā kādhambarī-priyā

varadhā vāmanayanā vāruNī-madhavih-valā ||74||


▪️kalāvathī - She has sixty four types of arts or She is the possessor of these sixty four types of arts

▪️kalālāpa - Her speech itself is an art. kala refers melodious voice. Ālāpa also means speech

▪️kānthā - her beauty is vibrating, radiating

▪️kādhambarī-priyā - She who likes the wine called Kadambari or She who likes long stories

▪️Kādambara is spirituous liquor distilled from the flowers of the Cadamba. The rain water which collects in hollow places of the tree Nauclea Cadamba (botanical name) when the flowers are in perfection and impregnated with honey is known as Kādambarī.  It is a type of intoxicating drink. The Supreme Goddesses is known for Her liking for such intoxicating drinks. 

▪️varadhā - She who gives, grants boons

▪️vāmanayanā - She who has beautiful eyes

▪️vāruNī-madhavih-valā - She who gets drunk with the wine called varuni(The wine of happiness)

▪️Vāruṇi is the extract of dates that is allowed to brew and when consumed causes inebriation.  By consuming this, She forgets the surroundings and concentrates on Her inner Self (possibly meaning Śiva) is the literal meaning of this nāma. 

▪️There is a nāḍi (nerve) called vāruṇi which can be controlled by breath. This nāḍi plays a significant role in excretion of bodily waste.  If this nāḍi is brought under control by proper breathing exercises, one will never feel tiredness in the body. 

ವಿಶ್ವಾಧಿಕಾ ವೇದವೇದ್ಯಾ ವಿಂಧ್ಯಾಚಲ ನಿವಾಸಿನೀ |

ವಿಧಾತ್ರೀ ವೇದಜನನೀ ವಿಷ್ಣುಮಾಯಾ ವಿಲಾಸಿನೀ || ೭೫ ||

vishvādhikā vēdha-vēdhyā vindhyāchala nivāsinī

vidhāthrī vēdha-jananī viShNumāyā vilāsinī ||75||


▪️vishvādhikā - She who is above all universe

▪️vēdha-vēdhyā - She who can be understood by vedas

▪️vindhyāchala nivāsinī - She who lives on vindhya mountains

▪️vidhāthrī - She who carries, nourishes the universe. Dhāthri - motherhood

▪️vēdha-jananī - creator of vedas, She gave birth to Veda-s’

▪️viShNumāyā - She who lives as the Vishnu maya

Māyā is the combination of three guṇa-s viz. satvic, rajas and tamas. 

▪️vilāsinī - Vilāsa means playful. One interpretation is that She is interested in fun, associated with lusty acts with Śiva. 

ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರ ಸ್ವರೂಪಾ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರೇಶೀ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಜ್ಞ ಪಾಲಿನೀ |

ಕ್ಷಯವೃದ್ಧಿ ವಿನಿರ್ಮುಕ್ತಾ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಪಾಲ ಸಮರ್ಚಿತಾ || ೭೬ ||

kShethra-svarūpā - kShethrēshī kShethra kShethragyna pālinī

kShayavridhdhi vinirmukthā kShethrapāla samarchithā ||76||


▪️kShethra-svarūpā - She who is personification of the Kshetra or body,

▪️Kṣetra is the physical body and kṣetrajña is the soul. 

▪️kShethrēshī - Wife of Kṣetrajña (Śiva) is Kṣtreśī (Śaktī) or She who is goddess of bodies

▪️kShethra kShethragyna pālinī - The protector of both kṣetra and Kṣetrajña.

▪️kShayavridhdhi vinirmukthā - She is beyond growth and decay. She who neither decreases or increases

▪️kShetrapāla samarchithā - She is worshipped by Kṣetra-pāla-s. She who is worshipped by those who look after bodies.

▪️Pāla means the Protector. This body is protected by pañcabhūta (the five elements viz. akash, air, fire, water and earth). Each of these elements is represented by a demigod.  She is worshipped by them. 

▪️The place where major yajña rituals take place is also called kṣetra and the god who protects it is called Kṣetrapāla and She is worshipped by him.

ವಿಜಯಾ ವಿಮಲಾ ವಂದ್ಯಾ ವಂದಾರು ಜನವತ್ಸಲಾ |

ವಾಗ್ವಾದಿನೀ ವಾಮಕೇಶೀ ವಹ್ನಿಮಂಡಲ ವಾಸಿನೀ || ೭೭ ||

vijayā vimalā vandhyā vandhāru jana-vathsalā

vāg-vādhinī vāmakēshī vahni-mandala vāsinī ||77||


▪️vijayā - She who is always victorious

▪️vimalā - She who is clean of ignorance and illusion. She is devoid of impurities.  Mala means impurities arising out of ignorance. 

▪️vandhyā - She is adorable.  We adore her by merely seeing and without even knowing her.  She who is being worshipped by every body

▪️vandhāru jana-vathsalā - She who has affection towards all those who worship her

▪️vāg-vādhinī - She prompts speech or She is in the form of speech itself. She who uses words with great effect in arguments

▪️vāmakēshī - Wife of Vāmakeśvarā is Vāmakeśī.  She who has beautiful hair

▪️vahni-mandala vāsinī - She lives in the sphere of fire. Vahni means fire. The sphere of fire is said to be in mūlādhāra cakra and in sky, aakaasha or ether. 

ಭಕ್ತಿಮತ್ ಕಲ್ಪ ಲತಿಕಾ ಪಶುಪಾಶ ವಿಮೋಚನೀ |

ಸಂಹೃತಾ ಶೇಷ ಪಾಷಂಡಾ ಸದಾಚಾರ ಪ್ರವರ್ತಿಕಾ || ೭೮ ||

bhakthimath-kalpa-lathikā pashupāsha vimōchanī

samhrithā shēSha pāShandā sadhāchāra pravarthikā ||78||


▪️bhakthimath-kalpa-lathikā - Kalpa is a divine creeper that grants boon to those who sit under it.  In the same way She gives boon to Her devotees. Latika means spread over. This indicates that Her devotees are spread over across the earth

▪️pashupāsha vimōchanī - Paśu generally means cattle; but in the present context it can be explained as the individual soul. Pāśa means bondage arising out of ignorance. She who removes shackles from the living.

▪️Jñānam here means limited knowledge and bandhaḥ means bondage. Limited knowledge is ignorance.  Ignorance is the cause for bondage

▪️sheSha pāShandā - She who destroys those people or acts that have left their faith

▪️sadhāchāra pravarthikā - She who makes things happen through good conduct.

ತಾಪತ್ರ ಯಾಗ್ನಿ ಸಂತಪ್ತ ಸಮಾಹ್ಲಾದನ ಚಂದ್ರಿಕಾ |

ತರುಣೀ ತಾಪಸಾರಾಧ್ಯಾ ತನುಮಧ್ಯಾ ತಮೋಽಪಹಾ || ೭೯ ||

thāpathra-yāgni santhaptha samā-hlādhana chandrikā

tharuNī thāpasārādhyā thanu-madhyā thamōpahā ||79||


▪️thāpathra-yāgni santhaptha samā-hlādhana Chandrikā:

She is like the moon light (grace) that gives happiness to those affected by the said 3 types of pain. 

▪️The three types of miseries are:  1. ādhyātmika – this comprises of the four components of antaḥkaraṇa, five karmendriya-s and five jñānendriya-s.  2. ▪️ādhibhautika – comprises of five basic elements and sense organs.  3. ▪️ādhidaivata – influence of super human powers.▪️tharuNī - She who is ever young

▪️thāpasārādhyā - She who is being worshipped by sages

▪️thanu-madhyā - She has slender waist.

▪️thamōpahā - She who destroys darkness, tamas - ignorance, illusion, darkness

ಚಿತಿಸ್ ತತ್ಪದ ಲಕ್ಷ್ಯಾರ್ಥಾ ಚಿದೇಕ ರಸರೂಪಿಣೀ |

ಸ್ವಾತ್ಮಾ ನಂದಲವೀ ಭೂತ ಬ್ರಹ್ಮಾದ್ಯಾನಂದ ಸಂತತಿಃ || ೮೦ ||

chithis-thathpadha-lakShyārthā chidhēka rasa-rūpiNī

svā-thmā-nandhalavībhūtha brahmā-dhyānandha santhathih ||80||


▪️chithi - She is in the form of eternal knowledge.

thathpadha-lakShyārthā - Tat means that and pada means word. Tatpada (that word) means THAT referring the Brahman. Lakṣyārthā means indirect reference.  Tat-tvam-asi or you are That is said to indicate that you are the Brahman

▪️chidhēka rasa-rūpiNī - She is the essence of knowledge. 

▪️svā-thmā-nandhalavībhūtha brahmā-dhyānandha santhathih:

she is in fact the Supreme Brahman. She who in her ocean of wisdom makes Wisdom about Brahmam (creation, sustenance and dissolution) look like a wave.

The literal meaning of ‘Brahman’ is growing, developing, swelling, expanding, evolving etc.

ಪರಾ ಪ್ರತ್ಯಕ್ ಚಿತೀರೂಪಾ ಪಶ್ಯಂತೀ ಪರದೇವತಾ |

ಮಧ್ಯಮಾ ವೈಖರೀರೂಪಾ ಭಕ್ತಮಾನಸ ಹಂಸಿಕಾ || ೮೧ ||

parā prathyak-chithī-rūpā pashyanthī paradhēvathā

madhyamā vaikharī-rūpā bhaktha-mānasa hamsikā


▪️Parā is the innermost at the origin; paśyantī pertains to heart, madhyamā to intellect and vaikharī the phonetically expressed through organs of speech.”

▪️parā - The union of Śiva and Śaktī is the primary stage of sound which is called parā.

She who is the outside meaning of every thing

▪️prathyak-chithī-rūpā - She who makes us look for wisdom inside, to look towards the inner soul. Chith - consciousness

▪️pashyanthī - paśyantī is the second stage in the evolution of sound. She who sees everything within herself.

She is in this form of speech.  The concept is that She is the beginning and end of speech.  It can also be said that speech originates and dissolves in Her.

▪️paradhēvathā - She who gives power to all gods and goddesses. madhyamā - The next higher level of paśyantī is madhyamā. This is a stage where one can talk to himself.

This stage is called intermediary stage between the origin and the end of speech. She who is in the middle of everything

▪️vaikharī-rūpā - Vaikhari is the fourth and final form of sound in its evolution.  This is the state wherein the sound is heard. She who is of the form with words

▪️bhaktha-mānasa hamsikā - She who is like a swan in the lake called mind

▪️STORY: There is a small story about associated with this nāma. Brahma, the God of creation created a lake called Mānasarovar at the top of mount Kailāsa. The water in this lake is known for its highest purity. The lake exists even today.  Swans always prefer purity and hence flock around this lake. The lake is compared to the mind (which has to be pure) and the swans (normally a pair of swan) are compared to jīvātma-s (souls) and Paramātma (the Brahman)} are compared to Lalitāmbikā.

ಕಾಮೇಶ್ವರ ಪ್ರಾಣನಾಡೀ ಕೃತಜ್ಞಾ ಕಾಮಪೂಜಿತಾ |

ಶೃಂಗಾರ ರಸಸಂಪೂರ್ಣಾ ಜಯಾ ಜಾಲಂಧರ-ಸ್ಥಿತಾ || ೮೨ ||

kāmeshvara prāNanādi kruthagynā kāmapūjithā

shrungāra rasasampūrNā jayā jālandharasthithā ||82||


▪️kāmeshvara prāNanādi - She who is the life source of Kameswara

▪️kruthagynā - She who watches all actions of every one or She who knows all

▪️kāmapūjithā - She who is being worshipped by the god of love, manmatha

▪️shrungāra rasasampūrNā - She who is lovely, She is in the form of essence of love. 

▪️jayā - She remains victorious

▪️jālandharasthithā - She who is on Jalandhara peetha, heart chakra, anāhatha or She who is purest of the pure

ಓಡ್ಯಾಣ-ಪೀಠ-ನಿಲಯಾ ಬಿಂದು-ಮಂಡಲ-ವಾಸಿನೀ |

ರಹೋಯಾಗ-ಕ್ರಮಾರಾಧ್ಯಾ ರಹಸ್-ತರ್ಪಣ-ತರ್ಪಿತಾ || ೮೩ ||

ōdyāna pīta-nilayā bindhumandala vāsinī

rahōyāga kramārādhyā rahastharpaNa tharpithā ||83||


▪️ōdyāna pīta-nilayā - She who is on Odyana peetha, throat chakra, vishuddhi or She who lives in orders

▪️bindhumandala vāsinī - She who lives in the bindhu mandala, dot in the center of Srichakra

▪️rahōyāga kramārādhyā - She who can be worshipped by secret sacrificial rites. Secretive worship means worshipping Her internally without resorting to external rituals. Worshipping Her within is considered as a powerful tool to realize Her.

▪️rahastharpaNa tharpithā - She who is pleased of chants knowing its meaning. In the initial stage of pursuing spiritual path and in order to control the mind, recitation and repetition of mantra-s is practiced, so that the mind does not get diverted to extraneous thoughts. Such mantra-s should be recited after understanding the meaning of the mantra.

ಸದ್ಯಃ ಪ್ರಸಾದಿನೀ ವಿಶ್ವ-ಸಾಕ್ಷಿಣೀ ಸಾಕ್ಷಿ-ವರ್ಜಿತಾ |

ಷಡಂಗ-ದೇವತಾಯುಕ್ತಾ ಷಾಡ್ಗುಣ್ಯ ಪರಿಪೂರಿತಾ || ೮೪ ||

sadhyah prasādhinī vishva-sākShiNī sākShivarjithā

Shadanga-dhēvathā yukthā shādguNya paripūrithā ||84||


▪️sadhyah prasādhinī - She who is pleased immediately

▪️vishva-sākShiNī - She who is the witness for the universe

▪️sākShivarjithā - She who does not have witness for herself

▪️Shadanga-dhēvathā yukthā -  She who has her six parts as gods viz. , heart, head, tuft of hair (kudumi), arms, eyes and arrows (weapons)

For every mantra there are six parts and each such part is under the control of a god/goddess called aṅaga devatā-s of the presiding deity.  These six parts are heart, head, tuft of hair, arms, eyes and weapons.  Before and after the recitation of a mantra, the deities of these parts are worshipped in our bodies by touching the respective body parts with fingers.

▪️shādguNya paripūrithā - She is endowed with six qualities that are considered auspicious.  They are prosperity, righteousness, fame, material wealth, wisdom (knowledge) and dispassion (no favourtism). 

ನಿತ್ಯ-ಕ್ಲಿನ್ನಾ-ನಿರುಪಮಾ ನಿರ್ವಾಣ-ಸುಖದಾಯಿನೀ |

ನಿತ್ಯಾ-ಷೋಡ-ಶಿಕಾರೂಪಾ ಶ್ರೀಕಂಠಾರ್ಧ-ಶರೀರಿಣೀ || ೮೫ ||

nithyaklinnā nirupamā-nirvāNa sukhadhāyinī

nithyā shōda-shikā-rūpā shrīkantārdha sharīriNī ||85||


▪️nithyaklinnā - She in whose heart there is always mercy, ever compassionate

▪️nirupamā - She is without comparison. 

▪️nirvāNa sukhadhāyinī - When mind is freed from body, it leads to bliss. She confers this bliss to those who worship Her.

nithyā shōda-shikā-rūpā - She who is of the form sixteen. She is pleased with those who recite Her ṣodaśī mantra than performing thousands of fire rituals.

15 deities are said to represent fifteen bīja-s of Pañcadaśī mantra and Lalitāmbikā as the sixteenth deity representing ṣodaśī mantra.  ṣodaśī mantra has sixteen bīja-s, the additional bīja being श्रीं (śrīṁ), the  Lakṣmī bīja. ṣodaśī mantra is considered as the most powerful mantra of all.  This is the mantra meant only for the final liberation. 

▪️shrīkantārdha sharīriNī - She who occupies half the body of Shrikanta, Śrī also means poison and kaṇṭha means throat.  Since Śiva holds poison in His throat,

ಪ್ರಭಾವತೀ ಪ್ರಭಾರೂಪಾ ಪ್ರಸೀದ್ಧಾ ಪರಮೇಶ್ವರೀ |

ಮೂಲ-ಪ್ರಕೃತಿ-ರವ್ಯಕ್ತಾ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಾsವ್ಯಕ್ತ ಸ್ವರೂಪಿಣೀ || ೮೬ ||

prabhāvathī prabhārūpa prasiddhā paramēshvarī

mūlaprakruthi-ravyakthā vyakthā-avyaktha svarūpiNī ||86||


▪️prabhāvathī - She who is lustrous of supernatural powers

▪️prabhārūpa - She is said to be in the form of Supreme light. 

▪️prasiddhā - She who is famous

▪️paramēshvarī - She who is the ultimate goddess, supreme ruler

▪️mūlaprakruthi - She is the root of origin.

▪️avyakthā - She who is not clearly seen, maaya

▪️vyakthā-avyaktha svarūpiNī - She who is visible and not visible

ವ್ಯಾಪಿನೀ ವಿವಿಧಾ-ಕಾರಾ ವಿದ್ಯಾಽವಿದ್ಯಾ ಸ್ವರೂಪಿಣೀ |

ಮಹಾಕಾಮೇಶ ನಯನ ಕುಮುದಾ-ಹ್ಲಾದ-ಕೌಮುದೀ || ೮೭ ||

vyāpinī vividhākārā vidyā-avidhyā svarūpiNī

mahākāmesha nayana kumudhā-hlādha kaumudhī ||87||


▪️vyāpinī - She who is spread everywhere

▪️vividhākārā - She who has several different forms

▪️vidyā-avidhyā svarūpiNī - She who is the form of knowledge as well as ignorance

▪️mahākāmesha nayana kumudhā-hlādha kaumudhī: On seeing Lalitāmbikā, Śiva’s eyes become wide open like lotus flower blossoming when the moon shines.  Śiva’s happiness is reflected through his eyes on seeing Her.  The moon in the month of Kārttika is said to be bright. Kumudha - lotus

ಭಕ್ತ-ಹಾರ್ದ-ತಮೋಭೇದ ಭಾನುಮದ್ಭಾನು-ಸಂತತಿಃ |

ಶಿವದೂತೀ ಶಿವಾರಾಧ್ಯಾ ಶಿವಮೂರ್ತಿಃ ಶಿವಂಕರೀ || ೮೮ ||

bhaktha-hārdha thamōbhēdha bhānumadh-bhānu-santhathih

shivadhūthī shivārādhyā shivamurthih shivankarī ||88||


▪️bhaktha-hārdha thamōbhēdha bhānumadh-bhānu-santhathih:

She who is like the sun’s rays which remove the darkness from the heart of devotees.

▪️shivadūthī - She who sent Shiva as her representative, messenger

▪️shivārādhyā - She who is worshipped by lord Shiva

▪️shivamurthih - Her form itself is Śiva.

▪️shivankarī - She who makes good to happen

ಶಿವಪ್ರಿಯಾ ಶಿವಪರಾ ಶಿಷ್ಟೇಷ್ಟಾ ಶಿಷ್ಟಪೂಜಿತಾ |

ಅಪ್ರಮೇಯಾ ಸ್ವಪ್ರಕಾಶಾ ಮನೋ-ವಾಚಾಮ-ಗೋಚರಾ || ೮೯ ||

shivapriyā shivaparā shiShtēShtā shiShtapūjithā

apramēyā svaprakāshā manōvāchāma gōcharā ||89||


▪️shivapriyā - She who is dear to Lord Shiva.

▪️shivaparā - She who does not have any other interest except Lord Shiva

▪️shiShtēShtā - She who likes people with good habits

▪️shiShtapūjithā - She who is being worshipped by good people

▪️apramēyā - She who cannot be measured

▪️svaprakāshā - She is Self-illuminating. 

▪️manōvāchāma gōcharā - She who is beyond the mind and the speech

ಚಿಚ್ ಛಕ್ತಿಶ್ ಚೇತನಾರೂಪಾ ಜಡಶಕ್ತಿರ್ ಜಡಾತ್ಮಿಕಾ |

ಗಾಯತ್ರೀ ವ್ಯಾಹೃತಿಃ ಸಂಧ್ಯಾ ದ್ವಿಜಬೃಂದ ನಿಷೇವಿತಾ || ೯೦ ||

chich-chakthish-chethanā-rūpā jada-shakthir-jadāthmikā

gāyathrī vyāhruthih-sandhyā dvija-brundha-niShēvithā ||90||


▪️2 types of energies - chicchakthi & Jadashakthi

▪️Sacchidhānandha - Sath - existence, chith - consciousness or pure knowledge, ānandha - bliss

Ignorance is the cause of birth and death, but knowledge leads to immortality.  He who controls ignorance and knowledge is separate from both.  That is Brahman (pure and without attributes) the supreme’. 

▪️chich-chakthi - She who is the strength of holy knowledge

▪️chethanā-rūpā - She who is the personification of the power behind action. The pure and unconditioned form of consciousness,

▪️jada-shakthi - She who is the strength of the immobile. She is the power of inanimate energy (jaḍa).

▪️jadāthmikā - She who is the world of immobile

▪️gāyathrī - She who is Gayathri or Gayathri mantra

▪️vyāhruthi - She who is the grammar originating from letters

▪️sandhyā - She who is the union of souls and the God

▪️dvija-brundha-niShēvithā - She who is being worshipped by all beings. She is worshipped by those who recite Gāyatrī mantra.  Those who recite Gāyatrī mantra are called dvijā-s or twice born.  Twice born because, first birth through the mother and second birth is the initiation of Gāyatrī mantra.

ತತ್ತ್ವಾಸನಾ ತತ್ತ್ವಮಯೀ ಪಂಚಕೋಶಾಂತರ ಸ್ಥಿತಾ |

ನಿಸ್ಸೀಮ ಮಹಿಮಾ ನಿತ್ಯಯೌವನಾ ಮದಶಾಲಿನೀ || ೯೧ ||

thathvāsanā thathvamayī panchakōshānthara-sthithā

nissīma-mahimā nithya-yauvanā madhashālinī ||91||


▪️thathvāsanā - She who sits on principles

▪️thath - she who is that.

▪️Thvam - she who is you.

▪️āyī - she who is a mother.

▪️panchakōshānthara-sthithā - She who is in between the five holy parts

▪️nisīma-mahimā - She who has limitless fame

▪️nithya-yauvanā - She who is ever young

▪️madhashālinī - She who shines by her exuberance

ಮದ-ಘೂರ್ಣಿತ ರಕ್ತಾಕ್ಷೀ ಮದ-ಪಾಟಲ ಗಂಡಭೂಃ |

ಚಂದನ ದ್ರವದಿಗ್ಧಾಂಗೀ ಚಾಂಪೇಯ ಕುಸುಮಪ್ರಿಯಾ || ೯೨ ||

madhaghūrNitha rakthākShi madapātala gandabhūh

chandhana dhrava-dhig-dhāngī chāmpēya kusumapriyā ||92||


▪️madhaghūrnitha rakthākShi - She who has rotating red eyes due to her exuberance

▪️madapātala gandabhūh - She who has red cheeks due to excessive action

▪️chandhana dhrava-dhig-dhāngī - She who applies sandal paste all over her body

▪️chāmpēya kusumapriyā - She who likes the flowers of Champaka tree

ಕುಶಲಾ ಕೋಮಲಾಕಾರಾ ಕುರುಕುಲ್ಲಾ ಕುಲೇಶ್ವರೀ |

ಕುಲಕುಂಡಾಲಯಾ ಕೌಲ ಮಾರ್ಗ ತತ್ಪರಸೇವಿತಾ || ೯೩ ||

kushalā kōmalā-kārā kurukullā kulēshvarī

kula-kundālayā kaula mārga-thathpara sēvithā ||93||


▪️kushalā - She who is intelligent

▪️kōmalā-kārā - She who has soft beautiful form

▪️kurukullā - She who is of the form of Kuru kulla devi who lives in Vimarsa

▪️kulēshvarī - She who is the goddess for the clan

▪️kula-kundālayā - She who lives in kula kunda or She who is the power called Kundalani

▪️kaula mārga-thathpara sēvithā - She who is being worshipped by people who follow Kaula matha

ಕುಮಾರ ಗಣನಾಥಾಂಬಾ ತುಷ್ಟಿಃ ಪುಷ್ಠಿರ್ಮತಿಧೃರ್ತಿಃ |

ಶಾಂತಿಃ ಸ್ವಸ್ತಿಮತೀ ಕಾಂತಿರ್ನಂದಿನೀ ವಿಘ್ನನಾಶಿನೀ || ೯೪ ||

kumāra gaNanāthāmbā thuShtih puShtir-mathir-dhruthih

shānthih svasthimathī kānthir-nandhinī vighnanāshinī ||94||


▪️kumāra gaNanāthāmbā - She who is mother to ganesha and Subrahmanya

▪️thuShtih - She who is personification of happiness

▪️puShti - She who is personification of health

▪️mathi - She who is personification of wisdom

▪️dhruthi - She who is personification of courage▪️shānthi - She who is peaceful

▪️svasthimathī - She who always keeps well

▪️kānthi - She who is personification of light

▪️nandhinī - She who is personification of Nadhini daughter of Kama denu

▪️vighnanāshinī - She who removes obstacles

ತೇಜೋವತೀ ತ್ರಿನಯನಾ ಲೋಲಾಕ್ಷೀ ಕಾಮರೂಪಿಣೀ |

ಮಾಲಿನೀ ಹಂಸಿನೀ ಮಾತಾ ಮಲಯಾಚಲ-ವಾಸಿನೀ || ೯೫ ||

thaejōvathi thrinayanā lōlākShi kāmarūpiNī

mālinī hamsinī māthā malayāchala-vāsinī ||95||


▪️Tejowathi: She who shines

▪️Trinayana: She who has three eyes

▪️Lolakshi-Kamaroopini: She who has wandering passionate eyes

▪️Malini: She who wears a garland

▪️Hamsini: She who is surrounded by swans

▪️Matha: She who is the mother

▪️Malayachala vasini: She who lives in the Malaya mountain

ಸುಮುಖೀ ನಳಿನೀ ಸುಭ್ರೂಃ ಶೋಭನಾ ಸುರನಾಯಿಕಾ |

ಕಾಲಕಂಠೀ ಕಾಂತಿಮತೀ ಕ್ಷೋಭಿಣೀ ಸೂಕ್ಷ್ಮರೂಪಿಣೀ || ೯೬ ||

sumukhī nalinī subhrūh shōbhanā suranāyikā

kālakan kānthimathī kShobhiNī sūkShma-rūpiNī – 96


▪️Sumukhi: She who has a pleasing disposition

▪️Nalini: She who is tender

▪️Subru: She who has beautiful eyelids

▪️Shobhana: She who brings good things

▪️Sura Nayika: She who is the leader of devas

▪️Kala Kanti: She who is the consort of he who killed the god of death

▪️Kanthi Mathi: She who has ethereal luster

▪️Kshobhini: She who creates high emotions or She who gets agitated

▪️Sukshma Roopini: She who has a micro stature

ವಜ್ರೇಶ್ವರೀ ವಾಮದೇವೀ ವಯೋಽವಸ್ಥಾ ವಿವರ್ಜಿತಾ |

ಸಿದ್ಧೇಶ್ವರೀ ಸಿದ್ಧವಿದ್ಯಾ ಸಿದ್ಧಮಾತಾ ಯಶಸ್ವಿನೀ || ೯೭ ||

vajrēshvarī vāmadhēvī vayōvasthā vivarjithā

siddhēshvarī siddhavidhyā siddhamāthā yashaswinī ||97||


▪️Vajreshwari- She who is Vajreswari (lord of diamonds) who occupies Jalandhara Peetha.

▪️Vamadevi- She who is the consort of Vama Deva.

▪️Vayovastha Vivarjitha- She who does not change with age.

▪️ siddhēshvarī- She who is the goddess of Siddhas (saints with supernatural powers).

▪️ siddhavidhyā - She who is the personification of Pancha Dasa Mantra, which is called Siddha Vidya.

▪️ siddhamāthā - She who is the mother of Siddhas.

▪️Yashaswini- She who is famous.

ವಿಶುದ್ಧ(ದ್ಧಿ) ಚಕ್ರನಿಲಯಾ ರಕ್ತವರ್ಣಾ ತ್ರಿಲೋಚನಾ |

ಖಟ್ವಾಂಗಾದಿ ಪ್ರಹರಣಾ ವದನೈಕ ಸಮನ್ವಿತಾ || ೯೮ ||

vishuddha (ddhi) chakranilayā rakthavarNā thrilōchanā

khatvāngādhi praharaNā vadhanaika samanvithā ||98||


▪️Vishudhichakra Nilaya- She who is in the sixteen-petalled lotus.

▪️Aarakthavarni- She who is slightly red.

▪️Trilochana- She who has three eyes.

▪️Khadwangadhi Prakarana-  She who has arms like the sword.

▪️Vadanaika Samavidha- She who has one face.

ಪಾಯ-ಸಾನ್ನ-ಪ್ರಿಯಾ ತ್ವಕ್‌ಸ್ಥಾ ಪಶುಲೋಕ ಭಯಂಕರೀ |

ಅಮೃತಾದಿ ಮಹಾಶಕ್ತಿ ಸಂವೃತಾ ಡಾಕಿನೀಶ್ವರೀ || ೯೯ ||

pāya-sānna-priyā thvak sthā pashulōka bhayankarī

amruthādhi mahāshakthi sanvruthā dākinīshvarī ||99||


▪️Payasanna Priya- She who likes sweet rice (Payasam).

▪️Twakstha- She who lives in the sensibility of the skin.

▪️Pasu Loka Bhayamkari- She who creates fear for animal-like men.

▪️Amruthathi Maha Sakthi Samvrutha- She who is surrounded by Maha Shakthis like Amrutha, Karshini, Indrani, Eesani, Uma, and Urdwa Kesi.

▪️Dakineeswari- She who is the goddess of the south (denoting death).

ಅನಾಹತಾಬ್ಜ ನಿಲಯಾ ಶ್ಯಾಮಾಭಾ ವದನದ್ವಯಾ |

ದಂಷ್ಟ್ರೋಜ್ಜ್ವಲಾಽಕ್ಷ-ಮಾಲಾದಿಧರಾ ರುಧಿರ ಸಂಸ್ಥಿತಾ || ೧೦೦ ||

anāhathābja nilayā shyāmābhā vadhanadhvayā

dhanShtrō-jjvalāksha-mālādhi-dharā rudhira samsthithā ||100||


Anahathabja Nilaya- She who lives in the twelve-petalled lotus.

Syamabha- She who is greenish-black.

Vadanadwaya- She who has two faces.

Dhamshtrojwala- She who shines with long protruding teeth.

Aksha Maladhi Dhara- She who wears meditation chains.

Rudhira Samsthida- She who is in blood.

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