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Vishnu Sahasranaama - English with meaning by Shloka chant with yashu


▪️Stress the letters that are in bold. Ex: bhaje

▪️Extend the letters that have a line on the letter. Example: rāja

▪️Letter ‘na’ and ‘la’ have two different pronunciations. If the letter is in uppercase (caps) ‘N’ or ‘L’, make sure to touch the tip of the tongue to the upper palate of the mouth. For example, ‘puNyam’; the latter is the normal pronunciation.

▪️Similar to ‘na’, we have two different pronunciations for ‘sha’. In ‘shiva’, ‘sh’ is simple and the normal pronunciation. In ‘viShNu’, if you observe “S” is in caps. ‘Sh’ should sound like ‘shut’, where you can feel the air releasing out of the mouth.


shrī gurubhyō namah || harih Om||

Om shuklām-baradharam viShNum shashivarNam chathurbhujam

prasanna vadhanam dhyāyeth sarva vighnopa-shānthaye ||1||`

Meaning: I meditate on that Vishnu, who is dressed in white, he is the colour of moon, With four arms, ever-smiling face. He is the one who remove all obstacles on my way and brings the peace.

nārāyaNam namas-krithya naram chaiva narō-tthamam

dhēvīm saraswathēm vyāsam thathō jaya mudhērayēth ||2||

Meaning: One should recite Jay (which is known as the Mahabharata)

only after saluting Narayan (Shri Hari Vishnu),

Arjuna who is the best man of all human beings,

Goddess Saraswati and the sage Vyasa.

vyāsam vasiShta napthāram shakthēh pou-thrama-kalmasham

Parāsharāthma-jam vandhe shukathātham thapōnidhim ||3||

Meaning: I bow before you Vyasa the one who has written mahabharatha,

The great grand son of Vasishta (vyasa is great grand son of vasishta).

The grand son of Shakthi (grand son of shakthi),

The son of Parasara (vyasa’s father is parashara) and

the father of Shuka, (Shuka is vyasa’s son)

vyāsāya viShNu rūpāya vyāsa rūpāya viShNavē

namō vai brahma-nidhayē vāsiShtāya namō namah ||4||

Meaning: I Bow before, Vyasa who is Vishnu, Vishnu who is Vyasa,

again and again I bow before, who is born, in the family of Vasishta.

avikārāya shuddhāya nithyāya paramāthmanē

sadhaika-rūpa-rūpāya viShNavē sarva jiShNavē ||5||

Meaning: I Bow I before Vishnu

Who is pure, Who is permanent, Who is the ultimate truth.

And He who (jishn) wins over, All the mortals in this world.

yasya smaraNa māthreNa janma samsāra bandhanāth

vimuchayathē namas-thasmai viShNavē prabha-viShNavē ||6||

Meaning: I Bow before Him, The all-powerful Vishnu,

The one who Releases the ties of birth and life, to the powerful Vishnu

namah samastha bhuthānām-ādhibhūthāya bhū-bhru-thaē

anēka rūpa rūpāya viShNavaē prabha-viShNavaē ||7||

Meaning: I bow the first form of all forms, who holds the earth,

Who appears in many ways, Vishnu, the creator

Om Namo viShNavē Prabha viShNavē

Vaishampāyana Uvācha

shruthvā dharmān-ashēShēNa pāvanāni cha sarvashah

yudhiShtirah shānthanavam punarēvābhyabhāShatha ||8||

Meaning: Sri Vaisampayana said:- (narrator of mahabharatha)

After hearing about Dharma, And of those methods great,

That removes sins from ones life

yudhishThira, still unsatisfied, questioned bheema.

YudhiShtira Uvācha

kimēkam dhaivatham lōkē kim vāpyekam parāyanam

sthuvanthah kam kamarchanthah prāpnu-yurmā-navāh shubham ||9||

Meaning: In this wide world , Oh Grandpa, Which is that one God in then world

Who (Kim) is the only shelter for everyone ?

Who is He whom, people have to worship and pray, to get great salvation ?

By workshopping whom we can get auspicious

dharmah sarvadharmāNām bhavathah paramō mathah

kim japan-muchyathē janthu janma-samsāra-bhandhanāth ||10||

Meaning: What (ko) Dharma is so great ? There is none greater?

And by doing of what japa or chanting we (janthu) can get free ?

From these bondage of life ?

Bheeshma Uvācha

jagath-prabhum dhēvadhēvam-anantham puruShōtthamam

sthuvan-nāma sahasrēNa puruShah sathathōthithah ||11||

Meaning: He is the lord (Prabhu) of the Universe (jaga),

He is the God of Gods,

That purusha with endless devotion, Who has 1000 names ,

That Purusha who does not change,

thamēva chārchaya-nnithyam bhakthyā puruSha-mavyayam

dhyāyan-sthuvanna-mas-yancha yajamānastha-mēva cha ||12||

Meaning: By worshiping and praying with devotion (bhakthi) to the limitless

daily without fail, we break free from the cruel bondage of life.

anādhinidhanam viShNum sarvalōka mahēswaram

lokādhyakSham sthuvan-nithyam sarvadhuhkhā-thigo bhavēth ||13||

Meaning: Vishnu - who doesn’t have beginning (aadhi) and end;

Vishnu - The Supreme Lord of all the worlds (sarva loka)

Him, who presides over the universe (lokādhyaksha),

we have to chant (sthuvan) daily (nithya), And

He is the one who removes all the miseries (sarva dhukha) in this life.

brahmaNyam sarvadharmagynam lōkānām kērthi vardhanam

lokanātham mahadh-bhūtham sarvabhūtha-bhavōdh-bhavam ||14||

Meaning: He is the creator, he knows all about dharma

he has seen success (Keerthi) in the world

He is the protector of the world (loka)

One who worship him overcome all the sorrows of the world.

aeSha maē sarvadharmāNām dharmōdhika-thamō mathah

yadh-bhakthyā pundarīkākSham sthavai-rachē-nnara-ssadhā ||15||

Meaning: Chanting,Worshipping and singing with great devotion,

Of the lotus (pundarika) eyed (akshi) one ,(pundarekaaksha)

Who is the only one who knows the dharma

Who is the master of the universe,


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