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Refund & Cancellations for Yashaswi Kannada Vaani

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1. Refund Policy

At Yashaswi Kannada Vaani, we strive to provide high-quality tutoring services to our students. However, we understand that situations may arise where you need to cancel or request a refund. Please review our refund policy below:

1.1 Cancellation of Tutoring Sessions

Please note that if a student misses or cancels a class, there won't be compensation for the class. However, the lesson and activities for that session will be shared.

1.2 Refund Eligibility for classes

Please note that there is no refund concept for any tutoring service that you have purchased, whether it be a workshop or private class. 

1.3 Refund Eligibility for E-books

Please note that if you have missed downloading the e-book during the payment process, please send an email to

along with the payment receipt, and we will provide you with the link to download the respective e-book. However, please be aware that there won't be a refund for PDF or printed copies of books purchased from Yashaswi Kannada Vaani

1.4 Discontinuation of Classes

We respect your decision to discontinue, but we request that you inform us at least 2 months in advance for long-term classes, excluding workshops. We won't hold responsibility if you discontinue a workshop in between.

2. Cancellation by Yashaswi Kannada Vaani

In rare cases, Yashaswi Kannada Vaani may need to cancel or reschedule a tutoring session due to unforeseen circumstances. If such a situation arises, we will make every effort to reschedule the session at a mutually convenient time. If rescheduling is not possible, a refund will be issued for the canceled session.

3. Contact Us

If you have any questions or need to request a refund or cancellation, please contact us at We are here to assist you and ensure a smooth process.

4. Changes to this Policy

Yashaswi Kannada Vaani reserves the right to update or modify this refund and cancellation policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on our website, and the revised policy will be effective immediately upon posting.

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